Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's been found

Beijing has a population of 15 million people. Tom lost his phone in the taxi. God is good - the next person in that taxi was an American. He was able to call David who called us. We will be getting the phone in a few days. Hooray! We think it's pretty remarkable that in a population of 15 million, the right person got on that taxi!

Along with telling us the news that Tom's phone was found, Dave told us he would be swimming a relay tomorrow night. Now we have to scrounge tickets - wish us well. Bedtime here. Yawn! Goodnight.

1 comment:

mzjuniper said...

Glad to hear about Tom's phone! I love to hear stories of God's protection and people's kindness.
I wanted you to know I've been checking in on your blog, just haven't taken time to comment.