Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nearly two years since I posted here.  So much and so little happens in that time.  Kids grow, the old die.  I have a funeral to attend today.  A little itty bitty woman who continued to live with cancer, blindness, low oxygen and even finally without her husband.  Yet, today she will be laid to rest.  She was in her late nineties.  I didn't get to work along side her.  Her active years were before I came to live in Torrington.  Yet, her husband was diligent in bringing her to church and to our women's Bible Study.  She couldn't see but she could hear and loved being with us.  They were married when they were 19 or 20.  She told me they married on a whim with two other good friends.  One day they were all together and went to the courthouse and got married.  How does a marriage like that last for over 75 years?  Yet they were dedicated to each other so maybe it wasn't a whim after all, but God directed and they heard the call and followed.  Her husband died 13 months ago.  All of us who knew them thought Madge would go first and when Mel went first, we thought Madge wouldn't last.  She did though.  She came to church when she could - she got and gave the hugs she craved.  Today we will say goodbye and rejoice that Heaven has acquired a new citizen.  That citizen is hugging Jesus because well, I'm pretty sure Jesus likes hugs, too.