Monday, June 21, 2010

Wyoming District LWML Convention

At the 2010 Wyoming District LWML convention held in Gering, NE, I was reminded again why I am an LWML'er, an acronym for Lutheran Women's Missionary League, which is the official woman's organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). One of the first women I met was Joan Anderson. Joan and I were members of an LCMS mission congregation in Wright, Wyoming, beginning in 1980. Our chapel was a small trailer house. Our first lay pastor was Jim Dittman who was helped in this mission by his wife, Donna. They were the age of our parents so not only did we respect them for the work they were doing but we respected them as we would our parents.

Joan and I were both pregnant the year Donna called a meeting for all woman. Most of us were in our 20's and first time mothers but we showed up to avoid being grounded! Donna explained that our mission congregation needed to form an LWML society. I knew of LWML because my mother was a part of one. She even borrowed one of my Barbie doll imposters to make a display for one of her meetings. I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of an organization that was for "older" ladies. Poor Joan didn't know anything about the organization but I don't recall that she asked many questions. I'm sure Donna explained a little bit but mostly she indicated that we needed officers. Who wanted to be President? Not only was I pregnant but I also had a little guy at home. I was pretty sure I was too busy to make Barbie doll displays. I guess everyone else thought they were too busy, too. Donna just waited and looked at us each in turn. In the back of my mind I was thinking, "Well, Donna, if you think this organization is so important why don't YOU be president", but she was like my mom so I wasn't going to get sassy with her. I looked around the table and everyone looked as stubborn as I felt. I looked at Donna and she looked back at me, without knowing what I was doing my hand went up - all by itself! I hear a huge sigh of relief from my left. Joan muttered, "Oh good, if you'd waited one more second my hand was going up." I hold the honor of being the first president of the Rebekah Guild LWML at Hope Lutheran Church in Wright, Wyoming. Which sadly, is no longer a congregation.

When I let my mother know I was president she passed on a bit of history. It seems she had been president in her local society and furthermore, her mother had also been a president for her local society. It seems I was following in some wonderful LWML footsteps. While Donna would not be the first president she was a wonderful mentor and our society was up and running in no time. We had our struggles but we had our joys. As no one had gone before us, we were able to establish our own traditions. We made many banners and even submitted a design for the International LWML Convention being held in Rapid City. Much to our surprise our design won! To our bigger surprise, we were required to make it. We did. Ruth Kerbel carried that banner during the processional of the first International LWML convention that Joan and I attended.

My family moved from Wright in 1994 to the Denver area. I was still in LWML and still attended district conventions and a few national ones. I held offices in the local society but didn't aspire to higher callings in the organization at that time - although it was in the back of my mind that I MIGHT like to be a district officer SOMEDAY. In 2003, we sold our home and returned to Wyoming - this time to Torrington. We were immediately welcomed by Our Savior Lutheran Church. I meant to be a quiet little mouse and just be a worshipper for a while. That worked for about 5 minutes and soon I was on my way to being a part of LWML again. I have held the office of President and in one weak moment agreed to run for office at the Zone level. Yes, I was elected but instead of being President, I am recording secretary. I did explain that we travel a lot and I might not make all the meetings but everyone seemed to think that would work.

Remember I travel a lot and this winter we were working in Tucson, AZ. We lived in a lovely mobile home/RV park that was formerly a working orange grove. I had 4 orange trees in my little lot and I was able to pick an orange anytime I wanted. I felt like I was in paradise! One evening Melvina Dillman called me. She was on the Wyoming District LWML nomination committee and trying to fill a VP post. She explained that she was despairing of whom to call when she prayed one evening at a Lenten service that God guide her to find the right people. Somehow God put my name on her heart. Ah. I must have just consumed a fermented orange because I told her to send the job description and I would consider it.

The position she was nominating me for was way too complicated for a Newbie. However, the VP of Human Care looked promising. She did have my Zone President's name as a nominee but I figured Barb Schaer would willingly trade places with me if she had to. I called Melvina back and said she could put my name down for VP of Human Care. A few weeks later I looked over the nominee list and much to my surprise Barb and I were running for the same office. Melvina and Judy Christianson were running for the VP of Servant Resources - the original post I was asked to run for.

Now some of this might seem rather Godless at this point and coincidental. I did pray about taking the post and was really hoping God would give me a good excuse to say no. Instead He caused me to remember the convention I attended in Dubois. I was able to see some of the women I would be working with in action. These women were Christ Filled and Funny! I love funny. I could do this job if I could be funny. I sent in my bio - as understated as I could make it and sent in a reasonable likeness of me. I did pray a few times asking God to help me be willing if need be but Barb would do the job better. Hint, hint.

2010 Wyoming District LWML convention arrived and it was only 30 minutes from my doorstep in Gering NE. I decided if I was going to attend I was taking it all in! I even signed up for choir for the opening Divine Worship Service. I was a bit late for choir practice so I was off by myself in the choir loft. Nobody asked what I wanted to sing so I thought I'd try alto. I kind of read music but that doesn't mean I match pitch. After one stanza of the first hymn, I knew I was out of my league. These folks were good! I would've tried to slink out of there but I'm tall; it's hard for me to slink. So I suffered through and sang very, very, very quietly. With all those strong voices around me, I was pretty sure they would drown me out.

We took a break and this was my opportunity to not return. However, Joan - who has a beautiful voice - did see me there. A few members from my zone saw me there, too. I was pretty sure if I didn't show up, I'd probably get ribbed so I went back up to that balcony and prayed for the best. I learned something important up there. Sometimes God just needs my willingness. I opened my voice and tried to sing quietly but somehow the notes that came out sounded pretty good. I won't say I belted out a tune, but I did gain some confidence in my singing and the angel that sang for me added to that angelic choir. That's where the similarity to heaven stops - it was very hot up in that balcony and even with fans running it was not a heavenly temperature.

Our President of the Wyoming District LCMS, Rev. Richard Boche, gave the sermon. His words touched me and while I had gained confidence in singing I was starting to think maybe I could be VP with God's help. I was near tears when I humbly asked Jesus to be there and help me do this job if elected. Making LWML a priority and following through with my duties would be required. I would need to be inspired. I would have to be willing to make some sacrifices.

It seems that the entire convention was then an answer to my prayer. Every Bible study, every speaker, everyone who knew me was encouraging me. Everyone who knew me was also campaigning for me. But maybe the one person that inspired me the most was my mother, Kathy Struble. My mother was at this convention. She is 78 and to my knowledge has never held an office beyond her local LWML society. Our District LWML President, Gerry Neereimer, was a member of her congregation. She had asked my mother to be her parliamentarian. My mother has a lot of respect for Gerry, maybe that was one of the reasons she agreed to the position. My mother was up on stage next to the President and confidently reading her part. I was so proud of her for being up there. I could see that the other board members loved and respected her. After all, she is just my mom; this was new to me! Through my mother, God started working on my heart and my enthusiasm for this job I hoped NOT to have.

The business at hand was taken care of in good order. We were in the WORD together, we sang together, we laughed together, we selected our mission grants, and we shopped at the Christian store sponsored by Concordia Publishing House. We heard reports from the various committees, and we laughed at the skits performed. We were renewed when our Young Women Representatives, Karen Lininger and Jennifer Scheel shared their excitement about LWML. LWML isn’t just for Grandmas! We shared meals together and met new friends and renewed old friendships. Joan and I got caught up on the last 16 years and shared a few laughs as memories rolled over us. We made plans to get together to encourage Pastor Dittman and his wife, Donna, facing the challenges of cancer.

One evening was set aside to meet the nominees. Was I going to campaign for myself or for Barb? I decided to be gracious and just meet and greet and let the Lord move in the hearts of the delegates. Was I going to vote for myself or was I going to vote for Barb? As a delegate for our society, I had to decide. I marked my ballot and handed it in. I prayed, "thy will be done". We voted in the morning and wouldn't have the results until the afternoon. Drawings for door prizes helped with the wait. My mother was the first winner. It was fun seeing her surprised expression. And as God would have it, I was the last winner. She won a Jade cross; I won raspberry tea. I love raspberry - it was all good.

Finally, the results were counted and my name was announced. I am the new Vice President of Human Care. I know a little bit about the job, but I do know I take over for an organized Evie Miller who will be a wonderful mentor. God's sense of humor even has a twist. Melvina Dillman who wanted me to be a nominee for Vice President of Servant Resources now holds that position. We are both looking forward to this! God is working in my heart, I am excited to have this position and I can't wait to get to know my fellow board members better. I am pretty sure we'll have a fun time together but more importantly we get the honor of being available as God works His wonders through our marvelous organization.