Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seasonal Changes Part 2

Much has happened since the last entry in this blog. Several times I started to write about my fall and winter but I was too busy trying to figure it out. A simple update. In October, 2010, it was discovered I had a very large cyst growing off my ovary and it wasn't looking good. The blood work cancer marker, CA125, was 65 - cut off is 35 - it wasn't looking good at all. I had to go to Denver to see an oncologist/gynecologist. Oncology is a pretty scary word. Fortunately, I was able to get in to do the surgery quickly so I didn't have much of a chance to panic.

It did end up being atypical cells and was staged as a 1a cancer - benign, but I have to have 6 month follow ups for 5 years. I was recovering nicely from that surgery when I started feeling really crappy. It turns out I developed abdominal abscesses that had to be drained via catheters inserted through my gluteus maximus and when that wasn't doing the job, another through my my abdomen. It worked and all is again well. I had my first 6 month follow up and my CA125 cancer marker was a 12.

So now it is spring. The weather is warming up, the wind is breezing instead of blowing. Things are turning green and the bulbs I planted in October are springing to life. We haven't taken many trips except to the East to see Karyn and family, to the West to see my mother and some friends and a trip South to see David. Not the longed for winter trip to Arizona. We are making plans to get there for November dove hunting though.

Our spring will bring the family together for a wedding. Our grand-daughter (by Tom's daughter, Kristie) is getting married in April. Looks like all the siblings will get to be there. It has been awhile since everyone gathered and we have added a few great-grandsons to the mix. Then Fishing Season is right around the corner and Tom is hoping to stay healthy enough to get his fill of fishing which means we will be eating lots of walleye.

Summertime plans aren't fleshed out but my 40th! class reunion will be in July. How did that happen? I remember when my dad talked about going to his 40th and I wondered how many of his classmates would be still alive. My classmates look pretty good unless their Facebook pages are lying. Getting pre-re-acquainted via Facebook has been great fun and I am looking forward to seeing these folks face to face.

Through all these seasonal changes I have been blessed with a caring husband who has stood at the ready to do whatever it took to keep me healthy. My children have been in and out making sure I'm okay, too. My friends and family have upheld me in prayer and made sure my humor stayed intact. I know God's hand has been upon me even when I was at my lowest. And now as Spring is beginning, I look forward to the Lenten season. I get to ponder that God loved me so much that He sent His one and only Son that if I believe in Him I shall never die but have eternal life. Thank you, God!

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