Monday, July 18, 2011

1971-2011 40 Years!!!!

One of my classmates remarked that you should attend high school reunions not to relive high school but to put it past you. I concur. Each reunion I have attended has given me insights into my classmates. At the 30th I finally apologized to a now middle-aged man with whom I had agreed to go on date with, just to turn him down a few days later. We teased each other about that at this reunion but I think the whole event will be bittersweet for both of us. However, he did marry the girl who replaced me, another classmate. I kind of hated her that whole senior year which is too bad because I really like her now.

If you have bad memories of high school or think your classmates were more popular, more self confident, or more self determined than you ever were, maybe just put that away. I talked to many of those classmates this time and they were just as self-conscience about themselves as I was. Maybe they just knew how to cover it up better. It seems 40 years later, we are all willing to forget the awkward moments of high school, remember the fun times and just be comfortable in our skin this time. I was fortunate to get to hear some life stories and many of my classmates have had hard challenges to hurdle. Yet, they seem to have come out on the other side, richer, wiser, and more compassionate than ever.

Thank you, classmates that showed up, you have made me wiser, richer in relationships and more understanding of life. For those of you who didn't show up...think about it, I hear we are getting together in 5 years time. I hope you can make it.

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